Arts & Entertainment Downtown
Loveland has always been known for it’s thriving art scene and Downtown has become a hub for some of the best art and entertainment Loveland has to offer! In addition to our many galleries, Downtown is home to many great business devoted to entertainment. From axe throwing, and dance studios, to arcades and theaters, there’s something fun waiting for you in Downtown Loveland!
#1 Axehole
137 East 4th St.
ArtWorks Loveland
310 North Railroad Ave
Artisan You
405 East 7th St
140 West 3rd St.
Axe to Grind Axe Throwing
Independence Gallery
Lighthouse Dance
217 East 4th St.
Lincoln Gallery
Loveland CreatorSpace
320 North Railroad Ave.
Loveland Museum
503 North Lincoln Ave.
Lundeen Sculpture Studio
338 East 4th St.
Metrolux Dine-In Theater
Rialto Theater
228 East 4th St.
Tee Shots
209 North Cleveland Ave
The Beet Education Center
201 East 5th St.
The Flipside
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