Historic Loveland Business Improvement District
The Loveland Downtown Partnership (LDP) was a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that was active from 2015 through 2023 to provide for the economic revitalization, development and redevelopment of the physical Downtown Loveland area. The Downtown Business Alliance (DBA) allowed businesses to support downtown improvement efforts, affirm key values and convey an important sense of community.
The LDP and the DBA were sunset in late 2023 when the Historic Loveland Business Improvement District (HLBID) was activated and funded.
January 4, 2024 LDP final board meeting info
The continuation and expansion of events and programming, holiday décor and additional beautification projects throughout the BID area.
Continued administration of the Façade Program, the TIF Program, HIP Streets and all of the significant programs that are changing the face of our Downtown.
Improved security and safety measures – including resources to address homelessness – in partnership with the City of Loveland and Loveland Police Department.
Cleaning and maintenance via a dedicated Downtown Cleaning and Ambassador program - something Downtown has never had before. This will include full-time staff addressing daily cleaning, power washing and graffiti removal through the BID area.
Development of a Downtown Master Plan to establish the long-term vision for Downtown and set forth exactly how the City and Downtown stakeholders can support that vision.
The initial BID board consists of the following BID stakeholders:
Caitlyn Wyrick(Chair), First National Bank
Eli Scott, desk chair workspace
Jon-Mark Patterson (Secretary/Treasurer), Patterson, Rutledge & Associates, LLC
Kim Bernhardt, KTB Holdings, LLC
Ray Steele, Jr., Friendly Pawn
Meghan Griesel, Downtown Property Owner
Christina Gressianu, Photo Artist
Kurtis Loomis, Law Offices of Loomis & Greene